Honest Norwex Review

I am a mom to 4 kids. So when I talk about cleaning I am talking about a lot of messes all the time! I have to have something that works really really good. I also do not like to spend a lot of time cleaning. So that being said lets get into it…

What is Norwex?

Norwex products are able to clean with just water. They are also able to get rid of 99% of the germs. 

I know that sounds a little sketchy so lets keep going.

Norwex is a company that has created an insanely awesome microfiber cleaning cloth. Yes, I am a mom because I am excited about a cloth. But seriously after I show you how it works you will want one too.

They offer a lot of products but their most popular and my favorite is called the enviro cloth. Think “E” for everything. This cloth can seriously be used for everything. I was needing something for my stainless steel fridge and my granite countertops. It works for both! My fridge is so gross from my little kid’s handprints and nothing worked that well to get it super clean and shiny. Until norwex that is. 🙂 The Enviro cloth works wonders.

And my granite countertops? The best! I have a dark grey color and everything shows. When I use a normal cloth to wipe it down it always leaves streaks. It was driving me crazy! The norwex cloth is such a life saver. It also works great for cleaning windows and pretty much any other surface. But I mean let’s get real. Who cleans their windows? Not me!

How does it work?

Use it dry for dusting, and the static electricity lifts the smallest particles of dust and dirt up into the cloth and prevents them from resettling on surfaces. Use it wet, and it removes everything from the surface, up to 99% of bacteria, when used properly.
The Enviro cloth is what they call bac locked. It is made with colloidal silver and the silver keeps the cloth clean, from molding and smelling gross. You just can’t use soap with it for it will ruin it. I know seems crazy! But just make sure to read the instructions before you use it.

Is Norwex a hoax?

No way! It seems a little pricey when you first see it…trust me I know! When I first was introduced to it I was like “No way am I spending that much on a dishcloth” But I have now had it for about 6 months and in that time have not bought a single cleaning product. Say what? Or body wash…I will explain more below 😉

I know certain companies can get a bad rep because of their sales structure and what not. But I personally do not work for norwex and am sharing it with you out of how much I love it and it has changed my life. I do not like cleaning and when I find things to make it quicker and easier I am all about it. But as I said I was a skeptic like I am sure you are too…

How I got started…

I actually was invited to multiple Norwex parties before I decided to go to one. I generally avoid parties like that because I feel like I have to buy something. The norwex party was the same for me in a way. After I saw how they worked I thought it was cool but I was not sure it would work the way I was hoping. I ended up buying an enviro cloth and 3 body cloths…..

…When I got home My hubby made fun of me for being suckered in and buying a “sham wow” Anyone remembers those? I watched the old commercial on youtube and my hubby was right. I bought the modern day sham wow…

Does it really work?

As I briefly mentioned above YES is the answer to that! I was amazed at how well it worked. Maybe I did buy a sham wow…But who cares it worked. I was super impressed with it. As I said It cleaned my granite countertop beautifully. I JUST got new countertops this year and had chosen a dark grey. They are gorgeous but showed all the streaks when I would clean them. I was so bummed. Now that I have the enviro cloth all I have to do is wipe it down with water and it’s completely streak free. I know I Sound like the sham wow guy but its true!

And then My fridge was another thing that bugged me. We also got our fridge not that long ago and we thought getting a huge stainless steel fridge with little kids was a good idea. Ha! I had the hardest time cleaning it. Again, Now all I have to do is wipe it down with the enviro cloth and I am good to go. AND the kids can help and I don’t have to worry about the chemicals! Even though I absolutely loved the product I still was not sure if it would be worth the money in the long run…

Do you really save money?

….6 months later and I would save that yes you do. I was researching and apparently, a household will spend $600 a year on cleaners. Yeah, I was surprised too. I feel like that number is a little high. So let’s say I only spend half of that. Well in the last 6 months the only money I have spent on cleaning supplies in what I spent on the norwex cloth. All of a sudden that does not make it seem like so much anymore. And not to mention the fact that I have not bought any body wash thanks to the norwex body cloth….( I will explain that below)

7 ways to save money and your sanity…

Saving money and my sanity are 2 of my favorite things to do. Ha. I am a pretty frugal person and I hate blowing money for no reason. Yes, I have learned to live a little but overall I am still careful about how I spend my money. After doing the math I realize that norwex is actually saving me money. That is pretty cool!

And one of my main goals is to simplify my life as much as possible. Norwex does that in many ways. I don’t have to have a bunch of cleaners around just one cloth. And cleaning is so easy! Just run it under water. I love it! I love that I can quick wipe down the counter and be done with it. It gives me more time to spend with my kids and on things I really want to be doing.

1. No more products

You don’t have to buy anymore cleaning products! As I mentioned research says that the average household spends $600 a year on cleaners. Woah! I had no clue. That is a lot of money. For me it is a big deal to save all that money but also do not have those products in the house. I have little kids so it is such a pain to keep cleaning products away from them. My youngest is into everything and has a way of getting things he should not have. I really have tried to only buy the good natural cleaners ( talk about breaking the bank.) But it still makes me nervous if they get their hands on them…I still don’t know what is in them. So for me I love that all I need is ONE cloth.

I also mentioned that I was using their body cloth and not buying body wash anymore. I am sure this grosses most of you out. But let me explain. Their body cloths work the same way as the enviro cloth. It is bac locked and has the silver in it. So It working the same way on your body. You clean your body and then just rinse it out. I have been using that and nothing else for the last 6 months….

….Trust me If I smelled gross my husband would tell me. Recently, I was experimenting with making my own shampoo and it did not go so well one time and he made sure I knew that I smelled awful. I also have not used anything else to shave my legs. I wash my legs with the cloth and shave. No razor burn! Nothing! It is awesome!

2. No more chemicals

The last couple of years I have done my best to get chemicals out of my house. It is hard though. Even the companies who you think are good still have crap in their products. There are a few companies that I know are very “clean” but their products are SO expensive. That is what I love about norwex. You know exactly what You are using. WATER! No more ingredients that I can’t read…

….I really wonder how norwex makes money because they made a product that does everything and last forever. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

3. Less worry

My youngest son is into everything! I do my best to keep an eye on him at all times..But sometimes he sneaks away from me. It makes me nervous having things around that could hurt him. If I can do things that will further protect my kids I will do it.

And whose kids have dumped out bottle of cleaners that cost a fortune? Like I said I have purchased cleaners that are “clean” and cost me a small fortune. Then one of my kiddos get a hold of it and dump the whole thing out. With norwex I don’t even have to worry about that! There is nothing they can’t do!

4. No more smelly dishcloths

One of my biggest pet peeves is nasty dishcloths in the kitchen sink. I feel like I am always washing them and they are still gross. With my norwex cloth I hardly ever have to wash it. I do every so often but it never smells or gets gross. I just wash it because I feel like I need too. Oh and when I do wash it I make sure to do so with just a small amount of a good “clean” washer detergent because regular soap will ruin the cloth. It clogs up the silver and makes it so that it does not work the way it is suppose to….

….Norwex has other products including a washer detergent but I personally found a little small family owned company that I love and they are very affordable.

5. No more streaks

Did I say those nasty dishcloths are my biggest pet peeve? Well Streaks on my clean surfaces are also just as obnoxious. I hate cleaning my counters (or really any surface) and having streaks. It makes it look like I did not even clean it.

With a normal dishcloth, my counters look all streaky and still have what feels like food left on them when I am done. And promise I don’t do that bad of a job cleaning. It just never seems to get totally clean unless I get a good cleaner and spend a lot of time on it. Again, not with the norwex cloth…

..With the norwex cloth I just get it wet and wipe them down and they are shiny and good to go. And I know that they are actually clean because the norwex cloth kills 99% of bacteria. I love when I can get things clean with little to no effort.

6. The kids can get involved

This is probably the most important part. Like I mentioned my kids get into everything. And I feel so much safer having my norwex cloth then a bunch of harmful chemicals…

..But not only that my kids always wanna help. They want to do whatever I am doing. But I always hated spraying things around them or letting them help because of being around the chemicals. But now I can let them help and all we need is water.

Norwex even has their own line of kids cleaning stuff. Which if you are on a tight budget is not at all necessary but it is fun for the kids to have their own stuff to help mom with. Sometimes I wonder if I should just spend money on that stuff and not toys. They seem to not care about the toys and only want what I have anyway!

7. Never have to think about it

As a mom, I have so much on my mind. I have 3 little ones and keeping up with the house and running after them can be a lot sometimes. As I said I bought my norwex stuff 6 months ago and have not spent anything since…

…Not only have I not spent any money I also have not had to think about what cleaning supplies I might need or what I have run out of. All I need is my cloth. Which I am sure I will replace at some point. But I have not had to yet. And I use that thing every day! Now obviously a cloth can’t replace everything. I obviously still have to buy certain things…

For Example

  1. Dishwasher soap
  2. laundry soap
  3. Toilet cleaner

But it has replaced

  1. window cleaner
  2. stainless steel cleaner
  3. Stovetop cleaner
  4. surface cleaner
  5. Body wash
  6. shaving cream
  7. and more…

To me, it has been a huge lifesaver and I love what norwex has replaced in our house. It has brought such a peace of mind knowing that I am making my house safer for my family…

Final Thoughts

Like I said I don’t work for norwex. I just started using their stuff and love it and when I try something and love it I want to share it with everyone. I know that you might be leery to try it because of the price. But I promise you will not regret it. And you have to remember what you are all replacing. That one cloth will replace multiple bottles of cleaner and how many containers of paper towels…

Speaking of paper towels…

that is not something I have touched on yet. I am not a huge “green” person but I also don’t like wasting things for no reason either. With using your new norwex cloth you can also majorly cut down on paper towel usage. I also have not purchased any paper towel over the last 6 months. Could you imagine If everyone used norwex and stopped using an excessive amount of paper towels?

To me, I have found that I have saved money, time and a little bit of sanity thanks to norwex. To me, it has been totally worth it. I can’t wait to try out some of their other products and continue to get rid of more cleaners and more waste…

…A friend was telling me that they use their full body towels and only have to wash their bath towels once a month! What?! That sounds amazing. I absolutely hate laundry.

If you are interested in trying out norwex check out my recommendations below…

  • Basic Package

This is the Eniro cloth I was talking about!

  • Body Cloth

These are the body cloths I mentioned. I have been using it for 6 months and have not washed it once. IT IS AMAZING!

  • The Mop

I don’t have the map yet…But I plan to try it out soon. I have heard nothing but great things about it!

As always I hope this was helpful and that you too will find norwex to be a huge lifesaver in your crazy awesome hectic life the same way I have. It’s my goal to help you simplify life and this is one of my favorite things. And yes, I know I am a total nerd because I get so excited about a dishcloth! 😉

Happy Homesteading!



I'm Courtney! I love working with my hands and creating. Whether that is in the kitchen, out in my garden or with my animals. My desire is to do as many things for myself and my family that I can. If you want to know more about me and the things I am working on, please check out my full about me page!

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