Why is it good to eat fermented foods?

The quick and simple answer is that fermented foods improve your gut health. And gut health makes the rest of your body work properly. The research about gut health is gaining more and more popularity and for good reason. If the bacteria in our stomach is good bacteria it can help us maintain a healthy weight, boost energy and improve digestion. I can speak very highly of this because ever since I was little I have dealt with a horrible digestive system. I thought that it was normal to be bloated, have stomach aches and headaches as my food was digesting. I have been so relieved to learn about fermenting because of the personal benefits I have found from consuming fermented foods. I am not a doctor I am just sharing my personal thoughts and experience.

I am living proof that by feeding your body the good bacteria it can change your whole system…

I started by taking a probiotic that was just a powder of fermented foods. So basically it was just super condensed fermented food. Which was super convenient but then I realized that I can make my own fermented food that will do the same thing for my body.

I have taken a journey the last couple of years learning and trying out different ways to get fermented foods into my body. So today I am going to answer some questions I have received about fermented foods and hopefully help you in your journey to better gut health.

What is Fermented food?

Before we get into the questions I want to make sure you know what fermented food is. The fermentation process simply means that the food was left out to steep until the carbs and sugars become bacteria boosting agents and help fight against the bad bacteria in your system. I know this sounds strange because we are used to putting everything in the fridge but it really won’t kill you and is actually good for you.

There is something in the food when it is fermented called microflora. Your body needs this in order to fight off salmonella and e. Coli. the benefits of consuming fermented foods are crazy and I will share more on that in a little while.

I do want to warn you though if you are not used to fermented foods take it slow. I would start with about 1/2 a cup a day and take it up from there. I would not say that there are side effects but if your body is not used to it you can detox in the form of slight headaches or Diarra. Again there is nothing wrong with that it is just your body detoxing of the junk. But if you start slow you should not have a problem at all.

Is apple cider vinegar a fermented food?

Yes, it is!

As I mentioned above there are plenty of supplements out there to get the good bacteria in our system and will do the same thing as fermented food. But most of the time they can be very pricey. I am not gonna lie I love the convenience of it and keep them on hand but when there are simple and cheap ways to get that good bacteria into my body I do it.

Apple cider vinegar is one of those ways. You want to make sure that you get The Apple Cider Vinegar “with the mother”. From what I can tell “Braggs” is the best brand. The bottle looks like this.

I have heard story after story of how this has improved gut health. People have even been able to get off of the probiotic they were on all together. Now I know what you are thinking…How in the world can I get that down without gagging? And I hear ya it is very strong and some people can just not handle it. I personally have found a super easy way to take it which actually taste really good. It is so simple you are gonna laugh. All I do is mix it with a packet of true lime.

I love it! The vinegar gives it a “kick” kind of like pop. And the nice thing is if you are on a no sugar diet you should be okay with the true lime drinks and like I said it feels like you are still getting a sweet drink!

It is recommended that you drink a tablespoon right before each meal so if it is to much work to take it with the true lime packets then just mix it with water and get it down that way. Once you get used to it you don’t think it is that big of a deal. I just love the taste of it with the true lime packets and it is a treat to me. But either way will work just fine.

I love hearing success stories from these simple and cheap ways to get in fermented foods so please let me know in the comments If it worked for you can how you took it each day.

What fermented foods are good for your gut?

The fact that it is fermented means that it has good bacteria. So that means they are all good for your gut. But if you want to know a few of my favorites I will list them below…

  1. Fermented pickles
  2. Kombucha
  3. Yogurt

There are so many amazing fermented foods and everybody has different taste buds so they will like different ones. We will continue to talk about different things you can ferment in the following questions.

Are pickles a fermented food?

You might be surprised to find out that your average store bought pickle is in fact not fermented. You can buy fermented pickles but they will cost quite a bit more. So to answer the question pickles can be fermented but you either have to buy them that way or make them. I make them and they are so super easy. I have provided you with my recipe below.

Fermented food

Fermented Dill Pickles

1-quart jar

2 cloves of garlic

2 sprigs of fresh dill

1/2 tsp. coriander seeds

1/4 tsp mustard seeds

1/4 whole peppercorns

1/8 tsp red pepper flakes

2 cups water

1 tablespoon sea salt

I also made them with hot peppers instead of the pepper flakes and that was amazing as well.

In the end, you can add an onion on the top to make sure the cucumbers stay submerged in the water. Then just leave them on the counter for about 4 days. My cucumber plant went crazy this year and I was able to make lots and lots of fermented pickles. Which is awesome because if I would buy them in the store they would be about $7 a jar. And like I said they are super easy to make and honestly I think they taste better than any store bought one I have ever had.


I'm Courtney! I love working with my hands and creating. Whether that is in the kitchen, out in my garden or with my animals. My desire is to do as many things for myself and my family that I can. If you want to know more about me and the things I am working on, please check out my full about me page!

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